Premium Ground Beef 15 lbs. $6.99/lb.$104.85PricePREMIUM GROUND BEEF minimum order 15 lbs. $104.851 lb. and 2 lb. Packages AVAILABLE NOWDelivery Included to DFW Metroplex - NO SHIPPINGNO ADDITIONAL CHARGE FOR DELIVERYYou will receive a call within one week of Online OrderOrder Online OnlyADD to ORDER CART
Premium Ground Beef 15 lbs. $6.99/lb.$104.85PricePREMIUM GROUND BEEF minimum order 15 lbs. $104.851 lb. and 2 lb. Packages AVAILABLE NOWDelivery Included to DFW Metroplex - NO SHIPPINGNO ADDITIONAL CHARGE FOR DELIVERYYou will receive a call within one week of Online OrderOrder Online OnlyADD to ORDER CART